Michael Finkelstein, 2011

I'm really excited to announce that I got a job clerking for Federal Judge Lee Rosenthal this winter break :D. Judge Rosenthal was one of my professors in France this past summer and I really enjoyed the class she taught me on class action litigation. After a few emails and a phone interview, we were able to work everything out and I can't wait to go work for her soon. If you look her up, you'll see she's incredibly involved on the national scale. She also takes the opportunity to go teach students when she can and attend international meetings, while balancing her family life. It's going to be a great experience and I'm looking forward to learning as much as I can while working for her. Till then, I'll just be studying for those exams here. Stay tuned for updates :D
Took a couple hours today to meet with this attorney across town. I knew going into it that his firm doesn't hire any clerks and wasn't expecting a job, merely some advice and to be pointed in the right direction. He did all that and more, he was incredibly nice and friendly. We talked some LSU football and he gave me so much great advice about his past, his current practice, and suggestions for the future. I'm really thankful I had the chance to go out and talk a bit with him.
He gave me the names of a few friends. I tried emailing them, thinking that I was finally on track to land a job. BUT, no luck, they've already filled their positions for the summer. I know I have a million more places I can contact and a ton more firms out there. I'm trying to stay positive and upbeat but I'm starting to get really discouraged and frustrated. 
So, I'm going to start blogging about my experiences in the difficult legal job market. Look forward to more posts in the near future, and subscribe to my RSS Feed to get updates sent to you directly.

Update: I got a chance interview today, more details to come.